Using an axe to carve with Wilderness Skills group with the stools from their course Bushcraft toolbox Wilderness Skills pegs

Wilderness Skills Weekend

Although this workshop can be attended as a standalone course, it has also been designed as a follow-on from the popular Bushcraft Weekend. So if you’ve attended our introductory two day course in the past and found yourself thinking “where do I go from here”, the answer lies ahead...

This workshop aims to build on previous experiences and knowledge gained, focussing mainly on camp craft, wood working and more advanced wilderness living skills.

You’ll learn about how to look after and use an axe safely and efficiently, as well as other green woodworking tools such as folding bucksaw, bow saw and brace and bit, using them to process green and seasoned wood for your main weekend carpentry project, a three legged stool (everything made on the course is yours to keep). You’ll also learn how to tie several useful knots and lashings using rope, cord and natural bindings. These new skills will be put to the test constructing camp furniture, pot hangers and kettle cranes and even an improvised pack frame.

This weekend workshop will also include some wild game preparation and campfire cooking with seasonal foraging as an ever present theme.

During this course you will learn and gain practical experience in...

  • Safe knife handling and carving revision
  • Making an adjustable pot hanger
  • Introduction to the axe, safety, use, maintenance
  • Safe felling and processing of green wood – felling, limbing, sectioning, splitting, storing
  • Safe carving using the axe
  • Green wood working techniques – making a three legged log stool
  • Improvised cordage and bindings from nature
  • Useful knots and lashings
  • Making clever camp furniture
  • Making an improvised pack frame and straps using only natural materials
  • Wild game preparation and cooking

Arrival and set up 7pm on the Friday evening. We'll finish around 3pm on the Sunday.

"Just wanted to say a huge thanks to you, Greg, Sam and Oli for keeping us all so engaged, motivated and safe over the weekend.

I must say, the weather forecast leading up to the weekend was a little worrying however once we'd arrived and you'd given us a tour, it left my mind completely and I just settled into enjoying the whole experience.

I keep having flash backs to things that happened over the 3 days and wonder how we fitted so much in. It has to be down to the four of you keeping us focused and the tasks being so enjoyable. I'm pretty sure we'd all have kept going without food and sleep if you'd let us or the meals hadn't tempted us away.

Brilliant! Please pass on our thanks to everyone!"

2017 Course Testimonial

Wilderness Skills Weekend

Wilderness Skills w/e

2 days

08-Jun-2018 to 10-Jun-2018

Start 19.00

Finish 15.00

£225 per person

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